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Economists also are adamant that reopening in-person schools and childcare centres is crucial to getting American parents back to figure and keeping the US recovery on target after a record number of girls left the labour force to worry for his or her kids during the coronavirus pandemic. But while some parents have rejoiced at the prospect of putting their kids on the varsity bus again, others are apprehensive about what this year might appear as if . In-person concerns Rhiannon Bettivia, the mother of an elementary-age child during a suburb outside of Boston, Massachusetts, fears that a full fall reopening may mean losing mask mandates — which could lead on to her reassessing the simplest option for her son.

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“My kid isn't going back to high school without masks,” Bettivia told Al Jazeera, calling her son’s school mask and social distancing policies this year “draconian but necessary”.

“The science is obvious that they work,” she said, adding that she wishes a mask mandate could continue indefinitely for school-aged kids.

“I vote for perpetual masks,” Bettivia said. “I didn't miss getting the flu and strep this year.”

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Students are remarkably resilient ... However, we also got to consider what we'd like to try to to to form up for lost learning time, which has disproportionately impacted children of colour.


Other parents worry that vaccines may become mandatory, a fear held even by parents who are generally pro-vaccine.



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