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He highlighted stories in his edition that have focused on women, one even on street harassment, and mental health. But strictures on the notion of traditional masculinity and gender roles are still very much present. All sexual relations outside of heterosexual marriage are criminalized in the United Arab Emirates and that naturally trickles down into cultural depictions of men and women, even in a luxury fashion magazine.
“We want to be a magazine that takes a second look at the overlooked,” Baidawi allowed. When asked about the gender fluid movement that’s becoming more popular in the U.S. and Western Europe and if it could ever be something to show up in the pages of his magazine, Baidawi declined to comment.
“What I will say is that we have a lot of responsibilities as one of the biggest media brands.”
Baidawi explained that he was mostly raised by Iraqi parents in Australia and considers that his home, but being in a Western country, all he saw depicted of the Middle East was “wealth and war” and “Orientalist tropes.”
“Getting here, it showed me something that I already knew, which is that the people of the Middle East are so much more than that.”


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