Discover Cool -Gondor calls for aid and rohan will answer face mask

Discover Cool - Gondor calls for aid and rohan will answer face mask

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One of the persistent challenges for people with hearing loss during the COVID-19 pandemic has been the dual problem pose by face masks: not only do masks hide a speaker’s mouth preventing the reception of lipreading cues, but they also can significantly attenuate speech signals, greatly hampering communication.
Signia has announced the debut of what it calls the world’s first setting for a hearing device which specifically improves audibility for those communicating with someone wearing a face covering. Built within the company’s proprietary app, Signia’s Face Mask Mode is reportedly the most complete solution on the market, requiring no in-person adjustments with a hearing care professional.
An Evolutionary Leap Forward in Hearing Technology
“Today, many hearing aids have an ‘automatic’ setting that automatically adjusts based on noise, speech, and a number of other factors,” explains Tish Ramirez, Au.D of Signia. “For most users, this addresses the majority of the environments they encounter. In some cases, however, a patient may not be able to hear in a particular environment, even after the device makes an automatic adjustment. In these cases, a hearing care professional will create a second or even a third program that the patient has to ‘manually’ engage, either by pushing a button on their hearing aid or selecting a different program in their app. Signia’s Face Mask Mode does not require an additional program, and it is easily accessible in the Signia app resulting in the most effective solution.”


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