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“However, I cannot be very precise in the number or proportion to have arisen from each outbreak separately,” he said. “It is likely that the large majority, I said in my statement approximately 90% or more, of Covid-19 infections in Victoria can be traced to the Rydges Hotel.”
Alpren was pushed to explain if the three staff members who initially tested positive at the Rydges were internal Rydges staff or government contractors. Lawyers acting for DHHS objected to the question because it would be against the public interest in maintaining the confidentiality of the individuals involved.
“However, I cannot be very precise in the number or proportion to have arisen from each outbreak separately,” he said. “It is likely that the large majority, I said in my statement approximately 90% or more, of Covid-19 infections in Victoria can be traced to the Rydges Hotel.”
Alpren was pushed to explain if the three staff members who initially tested positive at the Rydges were internal Rydges staff or government contractors. Lawyers acting for DHHS objected to the question because it would be against the public interest in maintaining the confidentiality of the individuals involved.
“I should really stress that I feel that people are very, very happy to try to engage in behaviours that limit the transmission of the disease – people do not want to spread disease to others but certainly they can have competing competing priorities, [whether that] be a financial [need] or they need to make sure that food is available for them and their families, and their families are cared for,” he said.
ADF confirms offer of support
The commander of the ADF’s Covid taskforce, Lieutenant General John Frewen, told the Covid-19 response Senate select committee that after the 27 March announcement from the prime minister of defence support for hotel quarantine, the ADF made sure 100 personnel were on standby in the larger states, including Victoria, and 50 were on standby in the smaller states, if the states requested assistance.


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